

The Mopin festival also known as “Moopin”, is an agricultural festival which is celebrated by the people of “Galo” tribe, the “Galo” tribe inhaits the states of East and west Siang, which are districts found in the state of Arunachal pradesh, The festival of “Mopin” starts from 2 to 8th of April.Althought the festival lasts …

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The festival of Oijale/Oriah is celebrated by the tribe of Wanchos who inhabit the Patkai Hills region in Longding District. Oijale us held either in the month of March or April and is main festival of Wancho Tribe. It is a 6-12 days festival that involves prayers, music and dance. During the festival, villagers exchange …

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KHAMBALocation:Upper Siang District General Information:Their distribution is mostly confined in the Tuting areaof Upper Siang district and a considerable populationin West Siang district also. In marriage both polygamyand polyandry are in practice.Agriculture is their mainstay of life. They practice drymethod of cultivation and grow mainly maize and millet whichare their staple food. However, carpet weaving, …

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HRUSSO (AKA)Location:West Kameng District. General Information:As per historical records and their popular beliefis that they had a relation with the Ahom King.A special feature of the Hrusso society is theprevalence of Rani (queen) system. In past slaveryexisted in their society.Agriculture is their mainstay of life. They are keentraders and trade mainly in clothes, blankets, swords …

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SINGPHOLocation:Changlang and Namsai Districts. General Information:The Singphos are said to be a branch of Kachins of upper Myanmarand made their first appearance at the end of eighteenth century.They speak Jingphaw dialect which belongs to the Tibeto-Burmanlinguistic family.Agriculture is their mainstay of life and they practice permanentcultivation. They use plough. They grow maize, millet, pulses,mustard seeds …

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SHERDUKPENLocation:West Kameng District. General Information:The Sherdukpens have good relation with the people ofAssam since long time not only to extract taxes fromthem but also for trade and mutual understanding andfriendship with them. Their society is divided in totwo classes – Thongs (Upper) and Chaos (Lower).Agriculture is their mainstay of life. They practiceboth shifting and permanent …

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SAJOLANG (MIJI)Location:West Kameng District. General Information:As per their traditional belief they were originallysettlers in the plains of Assam. Presently their settlementmainly concentrated in the Nafra circle of west kameng district.They are also called Dhammai or Nimmai.Agriculture is their mainstay of life and practice bothdry and wet method of cultivation. Their staple food is maize.In taking …

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BUGUN (KHAWA)Location:West Kameng District General Information:Their settlement is concentrated on the hilly terrainon both sides of the Rupa/ Enga River in the TengaValley area of West Kameng District. By nature, theBuguns are gentle, hospitable and affectionate people.The women avail equal status with their men and evenallow taking part in their traditional village council called as …

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MEMBALocation:West Siang and Upper Siang Districts. General Information:They inhabit mainly in the Mechukha (West Siang district) and Tuting (Upper Siang district)area of the state. Their dialect called as Tsangla belongsto the Bodic group of Tibeto-Burman language and the scriptthey use is called Hikor. They have a class of chiefs and classof commoners. In marriage polyandry …

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TUTSALocation:Tirap and Changlang Districts. General Information:The little known Tutsas are also called as Hatut.As per oral literature of the Tutsas, their originalhome is Rongkon Sansik in Myanmar and migrated throughthe way called Hokmen Hoksan and crossing the Patkaihill and first settled in the Tut or Tutnyu village inthe Barap river volley in Tirap district. Since …

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