

TAI – KHAMPTILocation:Namsai District General Information:As per historians their original settlement was traced nearIrrawady and migrated from the Shan province of Burma (now Myanmar)to present location via Assam. They have pan-international relationwith their cognate tribes in Thailand, Yunnan province of China besides Myanmar.They have a script of their own. They speak Indo-Chinese language of the …

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MONPALocation:Tawang and West Kameng Districts. General Information:The Monpas are known in consisting of different allied groupslike But Monpas, Chug Monpas, Lish Monpas, Dirang Monpas,Kalaktang Monpas (TsanglaMonpas), Pangchen Monpas and TawangMonpas (Brahmi Monpas). These groups are differed in respect totheir languages and many other cultural traits.They are Buddhist by religion and follow the Mahayana Sect of …

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TAGINLocation:Upper Subansiri District. General Information:Tagin society is divided into distinct classes.They prefer to live in joint family and the seniormale member is regarded as head of the family.Polygamy is customary among them. Agriculture istheir mainstay of life and practice mainly dry methodof cultivation. Fishing is also a part of their day today life. Hunting game …

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NOCTELocation:Tirap District General Information:They migrated from Myanmar (Burma) across Patkoi Hillsand inhabit in the Khonsa, Namsang and Laju circles ofthe Tirap district. Their villages are thickly populated.Chieftainship is prevalent among them. Till 1945 they wereknown for very skilled head hunters. It is a custom of mento shave the front part of their head and making …

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TANGSALocation:Changlang District General Information:The Tangsas consist of about fifteen allied groups mainlyinhabited along the Indo- Myanmar border. They have separatebachelor dormitories for boys and girls. Some forms of preferentialcross-cousin marriage, so rorate and levirate areprevalent in their society. They prefer to live in joint families.Agriculture is their mainstay of life and they practice both dryand …

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IDU MISHMILocation:Dibang Valley and Lower Dibang Valley Districts. General Information:As per tradition they cut their hair round the head.Agriculture is their main occupation, but they are alsokeen traders by nature. Their staple foods are rice and millet.They believe in the existence of a high god and a host ofspirits both benevolent and malevolent. Reh is …

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APATANILocation:Lower Subansiri District. General Information:The Apatanis inhabit in the picturesque Ziro. Their dwellhouses are clustered, hardly any space between the houses.Agriculture is the mainstay of life. They practice permanentcultivation. Paddy-cum-fish culture with indigenous method ofirrigation is a specialty of the Apatanis. Now-a-days theyare known for the most ecofriendly tribe of the world. Riceis the staple …

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GALOLocation:West Siang, Lower Siang and Upper Subansiri Districts. General Information:The Galos believe their ancestor was Abo Tani, the mythicalfather of Tani group. Their houses stand on pile and are squarein shape. Dere is a community hall where village council (Keba) is held.In marriage polygamy are socially recognized. (Polygamy was prevalent back in olden times but …

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NYISHILocation:Papum Pare, Lower Subansiri, Kurung Kumey, Kra Daadi, East Kameng and Kamle Districts. General Information:According to mythology they are descendants of the Abotani – a mythical ancestor.Polygamy is most common among them. They have joint family system and have atradition to keep slaves. Their pile houses are long having many separatecompartments for each wife.Agriculture is …

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The Adi people are one of the most populous groups of indigenous peoples in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. A few thousand are also found in the Tibet Autonomous Region, where they are called the Lhoba together with some of the Nishi people, Na people, Mishmi people and Tagin people. (Source: Wikipedia) There are three major Adi sub-tribe (source: State museum Itanagar) they are: ADI BORI Location :West Siang …

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