
West Siang, Lower Siang and Upper Subansiri Districts.

General Information:
The Galos believe their ancestor was Abo Tani, the mythical
father of Tani group. Their houses stand on pile and are square
in shape. Dere is a community hall where village council (Keba) is held.
In marriage polygamy are socially recognized.

(Polygamy was prevalent back in olden times but now
its not)
Agriculture is their main occupation and which is supplemented by hunting,
fishing, animal husbandry, weaving and basketry. They also practice inter village trade.
They follow the Donyi-Polo (Sun-Moon) religion and believe in the existence
of a number of deities and spirits. Their main festival is Mopin related to
agriculture celebrated in the month of April. Rubbing of rice powder on each
other’s face and group dance (Ponu) are the main attractions of the festival.
They also perform Nyirmen festival in the month of October by witnessing social gathering.
They have a tradition of making and playing various musical instruments.
The women are expert weavers and weave cloth with highly artistic designs.
The men are expert in cane and bamboo crafts.

(Source : State Museum Itanagar)
